donderdag 5 december 2013

Author Interview with Dielle Ciesco

I'm happy to host an interview today. I'm interviewing Dielle Ciesco, the author of metaphysical fiction novel "The Unknown Mother". She's currently touring her novel on various blogs. 

Author Interview

1) What is your favorite part of the process of writing a book?

I love being in the zone...when the words just flow effortlessly as if I'm just the vessel through which information is pouring...which, of course, is all I am when I do it right. Time just disappears. Then, I do a word count, and it is thousands more than where I started. Or I'll read something back to myself and think, "Wow! Did I just write that?" Love that feeling.

2) Tell us more about the main character of your novel. What would their dream holiday destination be? Which celebrity would they love to meet in real life?

There are only two characters in my book, and they are both equally important. Wrenne is the protagonist human character, a vocalist longing to find her true voice and authenticity. She would love to holiday in Matrina's world and meet more angels like Matrina who could blow apart her conceptions of herself and help her discover greater joy and freedom. (One such place exists on this very earth...Teotihuacan in Mexico...where I began my studies of Toltec Shamanism and acquired the wisdom to change my life and write this book!) Matrina is the Goddess character who mentors Wrenne through the 10 Gates of Sound. Matrina would be happy anywhere and would love to meet anyone who crosses her path, be it a trash collector or movie star, because she knows the value of being happy with whatever shows up. But given an option, she head to a beach in Southern France!

3) What are some of the challenges your main character faces in "The Unknown Mother"?

Wrenne is facing the challenge of questioning everything she knows to be true--especially what she knows about herself--having to embrace not only the unknown but the unknowable as well. Her journey is one that begins with an act of grace and continues on her faith. It's not an easy path as anyone on a spiritual journey can attest. We are not conditioned to be comfortable with "not knowing." We like things we can label, define, and categorize, and that come in pretty packages. When we begin to ask who we really are, words no longer suffice and every package is just too small. Wrenne doesn't always trust the mysteries with which she is presented.

4) Is there a villain in your book? What is the villain's reasons for struggling against the protagonist?

The only villain in The UnknownMother is the uninvestigated self!

5) What projects are you working on at the moment?

My 2nd book, Your True Voice: A Transformational Journey through the 10 Gates of Sound, has just been accepted for publication by Anyi Books. It's in the copyediting stages and will be out sometime in mid 2014. I'm very excited because it completes a circle for me. It is the non-fiction companion to The Unknown Mother and leads the reader through exercises that were woven and somewhat hidden within the fiction version. The two make a very powerful combination for those wanting reclaim their power from what the Toltecs refer to as "the collective dream of the planet". When we wake up from this collective dream, we can finally begin to create a life of untold joy and passion, sharing our true message with the world.
Thank you for your questions. I really enjoyed this interview.

The Unknown Mother

Title: The Unknown Mother: A Magical Walk with The Goddess of Sound
Author: Dielle Ciesco
Genre: Metaphysical / Inspirational Fiction

It isn’t every day that one meets a goddess, let alone a Matrika or being that presides over the sounds of language. It is said such deities can bring us complete liberation. Will that prove true for a struggling vocalist named Wrenne when a mysterious woman appears and offers to help her find her True Voice? This beguiling and eccentric teacher guides us all on a deep and powerful journey through 10 mystical gates of sound, sharing great insights, secrets, and profound wisdom about the power of letters, words, and our very own voice to transform the world around us.
Did you know that “Abracadabra” comes from the Aramaic…” abraq ad habra”, which literally translates to “I will create as I speak”? The message of The Unknown Mother is to reawaken people to this truth and to that which we habitually take for granted…the power of the voice. When we bring our awareness to our voice and learn to express it in new ways, with impeccability, we rediscover our true message. Voice is the key to unlocking our power and magnificence. The Unknown Mother is an adventure for lovers of word, sound, and voice taking the reader into these heart of sonic mysteries. This isn’t standard knowledge; this is a gift for our times.

Author Bio


Dielle Ciesco specializes in the transformational power of the voice to heal and connect us with our own Divinity. She is passionate about every Voice, be it the one we use everyday to communicate, the ones we hear inside our heads, the silent voice of wisdom, voices raised in song, or the ones that call us to awaken. The creator of Vocal Toning Meditation, Transformational Voicework, and Toning for Peace, she is a featured improvisational vocalist on the TLC series with Visionary Music, creators of DNA Activation music, as well as on the Bliss of Being with Richard Shulman and the Pure Heart Ensemble. With over 18 years experience as a performer, teacher and healing facilitator, Dielle blends her experiences in vocal toning, sacred sound, meditation, Toltec & Bon shamanism, multidimensional music, Reiki Tummo, coaching, and teaching to assist clients in discovering a deeper connection to their inner truth and wisdom. She teaches workshops, writes, sings, makes art, and works one-on-one with clients. The Unknown Mother is her first book.


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