donderdag 6 maart 2014

Character Interview Even Hippies Get The Blues

I'm hosting a character interview from "Even Hippies Get The Blues", a contemporary romance novel. The character doing the talking is the main character, Amy.

Character Interview

1) What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to paint. It is my one true passion. If I could, I would spend every second ensconced in my studio apartment with pigments and clean canvas.

2) Who is your best friend, and why?
Casey (you have to imagine me saying her name with a groan, eyeroll, and quaint smile). Well, we’ve been friends for a long time. I met her in middle school and we were polar opposites, but still outcasts. She always made friends though. I never did, but she let me into her circle and we formed our own group of weirdoes. Now that we are older, she’s still my opposite but knows me like a sister. And, we always end up laughing about everything.

3) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My inability to handle everything life throws at me. I really do believe everyone is inherently good and deserves respect, but it is extremely hard to remember that when your psychotic coworker is dumping scalding cheddar broccoli soup down your side. I would love to not have the overpowering desire to punch her in the face.

4) If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

People’s propensity to hate eachother for arbitrary reasons. I’ve studied a lot of philosophy and cannot find any difference in humanity’s need to survive and thrive. It seems pointless to me to hate another person just because you think they are different. I don’t want to step onto a soap box (I have a tendency to overanalyze and expound on things) I just wish people would stop creating differences that don’t exist.

5) Do you have a love interest? Can you tell us about him / her?
Yes. Oh my gosh. Travis... He’s, well, perfect. Long blond hair, rock climbs for fun, saves people’s lives for work (he’s a paramedic), and has a truly kind heart. Oh! And he gets me, which isn’t necessarily easy since I am as quirky as I am peace-loving. One more thing, I can’t say it too loud because he’s actually really insecure about it, but... he’s rich. Yeah, I know it’s weird, but he doesn’t like people to know he has more money than he knows what to do with. Hot, humble, life-saving... sigh. That’s my Travis! I’m a lucky girl.

About the Book

Title: Even Hippies Get The Blues
Author: Michel Lee King
Official Release Date: February 21, 2014
202 Pages
Humorous Romance/Literary Humor
Target Audience: Adult Women, New Adult

“Sometimes peace can only come through chaos.”
Amy thought she had it all together. Her goals were set and she was working toward them seamlessly while practicing her peace-loving philosophy.
Her world of blissful ignorance crumbles when Travis, a blond paramedic with a body that can stop a truck, waltzes in to open her eyes... Just after Murphy, and his pesky law, paint a target on her back.
How many times can a waitress be interrogated in one day? Just how much orange acrylic paint can get caught in dreads before an interview? How does one retain their composure while dripping paint nude in their living room and staring down a trespassing police officer?

Author Bio

Michel Lee King writes fiction that has a tendency to mix the light and dark elements of life and focusses primarily on the Literary Fiction and Fantasy genres.
Michel is a peace-, and fun-, loving person living in the shadow of Mount Rainier in Washington state. She is happily married, has one son, two dogs, and a cat. When not consuming copious amounts of coffee, she is writing, editing, or enjoying the outdoors with her family.
She can be found online through her website:, Twitter: @Michel_Lee_King, or on Facebook: King.Michel.Lee


During the tour, there are two tour-wide giveaways for a signed Paperback Copy, bookmark, mug, Gevalia coffee, dark chocolate, essential oil (choice of lavender, rose or orange) and a small reusable shopping bag.
Fill in the Rafflecopter form to participate!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grand Prize Giveaway

If you participate in the release day giveaway or tour giveaway, you’ll automatically get entered into a grand prize giveaway!
Here’s what you can win: a signed paperback copy, bookmark, mug, mug warmer, Gevalia French roat coffee, dark chocolate, 2 bamboo coasters, 2 bamboo placemats, essential oil (choice of lavender, rose or orange) and a reusable shopping bag.
All you have to do to get a chance at winning, is participate in the giveaway on the release day or during the tour.

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