About the Book

Author: MJL Evans
Genre: Historical Romance
Volume 1 of 6 begins in 1689 Port Royal, Jamaica, where Atia Crisp is imprisoned, awaiting trial, while refugees from Strangewayes’s plantation seek their new home. Guided by Capitaine la Roche, they face pursuit by the pirate hunter Big Dick and the perilous terrain of Bocas del Toro. Their future home of Sérénité hangs in the balance, complicated by the outbreak of war with France.
Series Description:
The adventures from No Quarter: Dominium continue with wenches! In 1689, Atia Crisp finds herself imprisoned in the wickedest city on earth, Port Royal, Jamaica, while the refugees from Strangewayes’s plantation in the Blue Mountains are on the run and seeking a new home, deep in the Caribbean. Captain Jean-Paul la Roche must get them to safety and find a way to liberate the woman he loves while waging a war against the English with the pirate Laurens de Graaf.
While besieged people suffer and starve, a group of women form a secret and illegal society deep from within the bowels of the city called: WENCH. A network that deals with smugglers, merchants, cutthroats and thieves. Dragged into the struggle for supremacy of the Caribbean, the women are divided and find themselves engulfed in bloodshed. The pirates of Port Royal and former enemies may be their only hope of escape.
Hell hath no fury like a cross wench!
Author Bio

You can connect with MJL Evans on Twitter at @artistmjlevans or noquarterseries@gmail.com
GM O’CONNOR is a huge movie fan, writer and visual artist. No Quarter: Dominium (Volumes 1-6) is his first book series and he’s currently writing No Quarter: Wenches. A lover of sci-fi and history, half his brain lives in the 17th century while the other half sails perpetually through space. He hopes to one day bring the No Quarter Series to film and/or graphic novel format.
You can connect with GM O’Connor on Twitter at @gm_oconnor or noquarterseries@gmail.com
Website: http://www.thenoquarterseries.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/noquarterseries/
Follow us on Twitter at: @noquarterseries
Email us at: noquarterseries@gmail.com
Where to download:
Google Play
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