Title: The Rising Wind
Author: Ken Floro III
Genre: Fantasy
After graduating into the Imperial knighthood, Marcavius and his cousin book passage aboard a merchant ship, the Rising Wind, to visit their family estate before reporting to the legions. They know no ship dares tread the heart of the Mennaidran Sea, yet along their voyage a strange fog suddenly sets the Rising Wind adrift in those haunted waters. Fortunately another passenger offers his skill as a navigator to save the day, yet he insists that the ship first detour to a nearby island to replenish its supplies. There the ship’s unlucky passengers soon learn that the monsters and magic of legend are no mere myths! Friends, strangers, and even bitter enemies must work together in order to survive and escape. Yet some of the greatest dangers they’ll face are destined to come from one another.
"The same trick didn’t work a third time. When Marc stepped into the ring of firelight and shouted a challenge, his adversaries shrank into the shadows across from him – more cautious now than they had been earlier. Their broad limbs and hulking silhouettes prowled the darkness at the edge of the forest, disguising their numbers. Standing exposed, in the open clearing, Marc felt vulnerable, but he knew he couldn’t run. For an anxious moment, he just stood there, uncertain what to do next. The curse of inexperience was lack of foresight, and Marc hadn’t stopped to calculate an alternative in case his original plan failed. Now he had to think on the spot. Unfortunately the present circumstance was no place for contemplation. So, in that dangerous moment, he acted on instinct."
After watching Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters the other day, and then reading The Rising Wind, there are a lot of similarities. While Percy Jackson draws on Greek mythology however, The Rising Wind draws on Roman mythology, but since the Romans pretty much copied half of their stories from the greek, it's a very similar experience, except with grown up, adult characters this time.
Marcavius, our main character, is an interesting enigma. I liked his cousin more, but that's probably personal opinion. I'm not too fond of the female characters in this book however, or how they were treated. They're undervalued most of the time, and act only as damsels in distress one hundred percent of the time.
I did enjoy the mythology, the ship, the stories of the crew, and how they have to put their differences aside. An enjoyable read if you don't mind the obvious Roman-inspired mythology.
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